I've been noticing a growing trend in both new and existing anime series where fan service seems to be taking the front seat, overshadowing plot and character development. This isn't about the typical beach episode or the accidental peek into the hot springs, but rather when the inclusion of fan service elements begins to detract from the story or becomes uncomfortably excessive.
Take, for example, series that started with a solid storyline and engaging character arcs, but as seasons progress, the focus shifts noticeably towards fan service. Scenes that serve little to no purpose in driving the plot forward or scenes that feel forced and out of place, yet are clearly there to cater to fan service demands.
It's one thing to include fan service in a manner that complements the story or adds a light-hearted moment but crossing into the territory where it becomes the main selling point raises the question: Are we prioritizing the wrong aspects of anime culture?
This isn't a call to eliminate fan service entirely, as it does have its place and appeal within certain contexts, but rather to encourage a discussion on finding that fine line. Where should we draw the line, and how much is too much before it starts to negatively impact the essence of what makes a great anime?
Take, for example, series that started with a solid storyline and engaging character arcs, but as seasons progress, the focus shifts noticeably towards fan service. Scenes that serve little to no purpose in driving the plot forward or scenes that feel forced and out of place, yet are clearly there to cater to fan service demands.
It's one thing to include fan service in a manner that complements the story or adds a light-hearted moment but crossing into the territory where it becomes the main selling point raises the question: Are we prioritizing the wrong aspects of anime culture?
This isn't a call to eliminate fan service entirely, as it does have its place and appeal within certain contexts, but rather to encourage a discussion on finding that fine line. Where should we draw the line, and how much is too much before it starts to negatively impact the essence of what makes a great anime?