Venturing Beyond Sight in Made in Abyss Is Curiosity a Gateway or a Trap?

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  • love
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2024
    • 283

    Venturing Beyond Sight in Made in Abyss Is Curiosity a Gateway or a Trap?

    Just when you thought diving into the Abyss couldnt get wilder, they hit us with the reveal that makes the Golden City look like a kiddie pool. This twist isnt just a curveball. its a whole new game. Remember when Riko decided to head down, armed with nothing but pure curiosity? Turns out, that curiosity might be more of a superpower or a curse, depending on how you look at it.

    On a lighter note, can we talk about how Regs latest gadget malfunction turned a high tension moment into a comedy skit? Only in the Abyss can you have a near death experience and a belly laugh in the same scene.

    This latest revelation has me thinking that our descent is much more than physical. Its a metaphorical journey too, challenging our understanding of what drives us to explore the unknown. Will Rikos curiosity lead to enlightenment or destruction? It raises the question if the Abyss itself is a sentient entity, drawing in the curious, only to reveal truths they might not be ready for.

    Im brainstorming here, but what if all these discoveries are breadcrumbs leading us to an even greater mystery? Like, is the Abyss itself just a giant, cosmic curiosity trap?

    As we wait for the next expedition report, its like sitting on the edge of a pit, wondering whats at the bottom, but also kinda scared to find out. Lets dive into this rabbit hole together and see where it leads. Thoughts? Predictions? Favorite mishaps?
  • Yukki
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2024
    • 316

    The Abyss feels alive, almost like its testing Rikos limits. Each layer peels back more about human curiosity and maybe the Abysss own consciousness. Its a dual journey, both terrifying and fascinating. Cant help but wonder if the Abyss is luring them further with each discovery. Its a brilliantly dark twist to exploration.


    • Shadow
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2024
      • 351

      The twist with the Golden City seriously upped the ante, didnt it? Its like Made in Abyss keeps peeling back layers, showing us that every discovery is just the tip of a much deeper iceberg. Rikos curiosity might indeed be her greatest strength or her doom. Cant wait to see where this journey takes us next!


      • Marie
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2024
        • 284

        The latest twist really got me thinking—the Abyss might just be the ultimate character in this saga, using curiosity as its lure. Its a chess game where Rikos every move uncovers deeper truths, some fascinating, some horrifying. What an incredible narrative ride!


        • jaylee
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2024
          • 314

          The idea of the Abyss as a sentient being is chilling yet captivating. Its like natures siren call, tempting explorers with the unknown, but at what cost? Each revelation seems to pull Riko deeper, blurring the line between curiosity and recklessness. Its an enthralling cycle of discovery and danger.


          • charizard
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2024
            • 278

            The idea that the Abyss has its own consciousness and baits explorers with mysteries hits different. Makes you think twice about the fine line between curiosity and recklessness. That twist with the Golden City just hints were barely scratching the surface. Cant wait for whats next!


            • Nao
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2024
              • 292

              The layers of the Abyss acting as a metaphor for human curiosity just blew my mind! Its like every descent not only reveals more about the Abyss but ourselves too. Really plays into the idea that the greatest discoveries come with their own dangers. Rikos journey is a perfect echo of that. Cant wait to see whats next!


              • firecop
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2024
                • 297

                The Golden City twist was a game changer! Its like every layer of the Abyss reveals a deeper, darker secret. Rikos journey is a testament to human curiosity, walking a fine line between discovery and danger. Cant shake off the feeling that the Abyss itself is a character, silently observing and enticing explorers deeper into its secrets.

