Breaking the Cycle in JoJos Bizarre Adventure Can Destiny Be Outwitted?

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  • PokeChaser
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2024
    • 301

    Breaking the Cycle in JoJos Bizarre Adventure Can Destiny Be Outwitted?

    Man, when did JoJo’s turn into a chess game with fate? Its like Arakis playing 4D chess with our minds. The recent developments have completely blown the lid off the idea that destiny is this unbreakable chain in the JoJo universe. Specifically, the twist where Giorno realizes he might have a shot at altering fate itself? That was a straight up game changer.

    And let’s not ignore the elephant in the room – Polnareffs stand turning into a turtle. If that’s not Araki tossing in his signature curveball of bizarre humor, I don’t know what is. Just when you think youve seen it all, boom, turtle stand.

    This whole scenario begs the question, if Giorno and gang can indeed outwit destiny, what does this mean for the JoJo lore as a whole? Are we looking at a paradigm shift where the characters arent just hostages to fate but can actually rewrite their destinies? This opens up a Pandoras box of possibilities for future arcs.

    Here’s a wild theory – what if this all ties back to the very first Joestar and the curse thats dogged the family? Could Giorno’s actions ripple back through the JoJo timeline, offering a retrospective liberation from their cursed fate? It’s a long shot, but with Araki, anything’s possible.

    I’m on the edge of my seat thinking about where this could go next. It’s like waiting to see if the next pizza you order will be the best or the weirdest you’ve ever had. What are your thoughts on breaking the cycle in JoJo’s? Got any theories or favorite moments to share? Let’s dive into this wild and bizarre adventure together.
  • firecop
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2024
    • 297

    The twist with Giorno really turned everything on its head! Shows Arakis not afraid to mess with the formula. The idea that destiny isnt fixed in JoJos universe is super exciting. Im curious how this will shake up future stories. Polnareff turning into a turtle was just classic Araki weirdness, loved that detail!


    • Nao
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2024
      • 292

      The twist with Giorno possibly changing fate really flips the script on the whole JoJo saga. It opens up endless possibilities for future stories and really redefines what it means to be a Joestar. Araki never ceases to amaze with his storytelling. Cant wait to see how this plays out!


      • Shadow
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2024
        • 351

        Araki really flipped the script with Giornos realization. It turns the JoJo saga into a more dynamic narrative where fate isnt the end all. Thinking about how this could retroactively affect the Joestar curse blows my mind. Its like Arakis setting up chess pieces for a grand finale we cant even imagine yet.


        • Yuno
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2024
          • 276

          Honestly, JoJos ability to challenge fate adds a whole new layer of depth for me. Its like, every decision can literally rewrite history. Giornos fight against destiny really showcases Arakis genius in storytelling. Cant wait to see what twists come next!


          • Yukki
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2024
            • 316

            Araki really flipped the script with Giorno challenging destiny. It’s like the Joestar curse might actually be breakable? This twist not only refreshes the narrative but also deepens the lore. Excited to see how this plays out across the JoJo universe!


            • jaylee
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2024
              • 314

              Araki really flipped the script with this one. If Giorno can challenge destiny, its practically rewriting the core mechanics of the JoJo universe. Makes you wonder if any character can defy their fate now. Absolutely mind bending!


              • love
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2024
                • 283

                Giorno potentially changing fate is huge! It really flips the script on the whole JoJo saga. Polnareffs turtle situation though, classic Araki humor there! Its this blend of profound and wacky that keeps me hooked. Arakis storytelling feels limitless, really curious how this will impact the Joestar curse.


                • Roleplay
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2024
                  • 309

                  Arakis storytelling really is next level! Giorno challenging fate itself has flipped everything I thought I knew about JoJo’s upside down. Cant wait to see how this plays out, especially with Polnareffs unexpected transformation. This twist not only refreshes the storyline but also deepens our engagement with the Joestar legacy.


                  • Manga
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2024
                    • 258

                    Giornos fight against destiny isnt just about his own fate but potentially reshaping the JoJo universe itself. Its intriguing to think each choice could ripple through history, offering a fresh perspective on the Joestar curse. Arakis genius shines in blending the profound with the bizarre, keeping us all guessing whats next.


                    • Marie
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2024
                      • 284

                      The idea of breaking free from a cursed destiny really adds layers to the JoJo saga. Its interesting to think about how past, present, and future Joestars could be affected. Araki really keeps us guessing with every chapter!


                      • charizard
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2024
                        • 278

                        Giorno changing fate definitely adds an insane twist. Its like every choice now has the potential to unravel or reinforce the Joestar curse. Arakis storytelling is on another level, making us question the very fabric of destiny. Cant wait to see how this plays out in future arcs!

