Been on a deep-dive into thought-provoking manga recently, and found myself riddled with ethical conflict due to a few potent moral dilemmas. Did any manga trigger similar introspections for you?
Perhaps the stark choices faced by Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul? Or the nuanced portrayal of the cycle of violence in Attack On Titan? Or Mirai Nikki's grim battle royale and the idea that survival itself can necessitate sacrificing one's own humanity?
Let's delve into this - What manga created internal quandaries for you and why? Which character’s decision made you pause and ponder about your own life principles?
Perhaps the stark choices faced by Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul? Or the nuanced portrayal of the cycle of violence in Attack On Titan? Or Mirai Nikki's grim battle royale and the idea that survival itself can necessitate sacrificing one's own humanity?
Let's delve into this - What manga created internal quandaries for you and why? Which character’s decision made you pause and ponder about your own life principles?