The advancement in the animation quality in anime over the years has been quite breathtaking. From the hand-drawn, water-colored aesthetics in the 60's and 70's to the era of cel animation in the 80's and 90’s, the evolution has been significant. The fluidity in movement and heightened detail showcased in classics like "Akira" and "Ghost in the Shell" truly revolutionized the industry and raised the bar for future anime.
The advent of digital animation in the 2000s brought with it more vibrant colors and intricate details, with significantly less physical work. Anime like "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" and "Death Note" encapsulate the best of this era with their stunning visual narratives.
Post-2010 hand drawn and digital techniques began to mesh together, giving us a unique blend of artistry. Anime like "Attack on Titan" and "One Punch Man" showcase this blend excellently.
Despite the controversy between traditionalists and modernists, we can all agree that the leaps and bounds made in anime animation quality has made it more accessible and appealing to a wider audience. Whether you prefer old school or contemporary styles, there's no denying that the thriving diversity in anime animation is part of its charm.
In contrast to the west, where new animation techniques threaten the existence of the old, Anime has managed to innovate without entirely replacing the past—the hand-drawn aesthetic still thrives alongside computer animation. It's hard to predict what new tech will emerge and how it'll shape anime in coming years, but one thing for sure - it’s going to be an exciting journey for us anime fans!
The advent of digital animation in the 2000s brought with it more vibrant colors and intricate details, with significantly less physical work. Anime like "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" and "Death Note" encapsulate the best of this era with their stunning visual narratives.
Post-2010 hand drawn and digital techniques began to mesh together, giving us a unique blend of artistry. Anime like "Attack on Titan" and "One Punch Man" showcase this blend excellently.
Despite the controversy between traditionalists and modernists, we can all agree that the leaps and bounds made in anime animation quality has made it more accessible and appealing to a wider audience. Whether you prefer old school or contemporary styles, there's no denying that the thriving diversity in anime animation is part of its charm.
In contrast to the west, where new animation techniques threaten the existence of the old, Anime has managed to innovate without entirely replacing the past—the hand-drawn aesthetic still thrives alongside computer animation. It's hard to predict what new tech will emerge and how it'll shape anime in coming years, but one thing for sure - it’s going to be an exciting journey for us anime fans!