While we appreciate the dedication and hard work of subbers and translators, it's undeniable that a lot of humor and subtlety in the original Japanese gets lost in the translation. Puns and wordplay are particularly tricky to translate, and it's even worse when these wordplays are inherently linked to Japanese culture or language structure, which the majority of the viewers don't understand.
Ever noticed how some jokes in subbed anime don't quite land? That could be a result of this. Even the best translators can't magically make a Japanese pun sound as funny in English, and often they have to compromise by either explaining the pun, replacing it with an English equivalent that may not carry the same nuance, or dropping it altogether.
This often makes me wonder, do we need smarter translations? Or should we anime fans invest time in learning Japanese language and culture to fully appreciate our favorite anime? Do you believe it’s worth it?
Even more, how do you feel about the liberties that some translation teams take when subbing anime? For example, changing slang and idioms to Western equivalents or adding their own flavor of humor to the dialogues. Necessary adaptation or cultural appropriation? Share your thoughts!
Ever noticed how some jokes in subbed anime don't quite land? That could be a result of this. Even the best translators can't magically make a Japanese pun sound as funny in English, and often they have to compromise by either explaining the pun, replacing it with an English equivalent that may not carry the same nuance, or dropping it altogether.
This often makes me wonder, do we need smarter translations? Or should we anime fans invest time in learning Japanese language and culture to fully appreciate our favorite anime? Do you believe it’s worth it?
Even more, how do you feel about the liberties that some translation teams take when subbing anime? For example, changing slang and idioms to Western equivalents or adding their own flavor of humor to the dialogues. Necessary adaptation or cultural appropriation? Share your thoughts!